Stronger. Together.

Now that I've had a full day to process what has happened it is time to write. Because right now it is the only thing I can do. I'm no one important. I am just a woman. In fact I am so small I have to accept in the coming years some powerful men are going to make some decisions for me whether I like it or not.

At this point only people who know me personally read this. I don't hide I am a member of the democratic And that is something that people who know me very very personally over many years have watched change. I was a republican. I hated the idea someone was "getting something for free." I hated that my country was being "invaded" by people from different cultures. I hated that women could "whore around without consequences." That was me. I believed those things. And because I was that person I very much understand what happened last night. But some very wonderful people out there loved me and talked to me. And those views changed. Now I see people who deserve basics. Cultures who had a lot of value to my country. And women who are doing stuff that is truly none of any of our business. I am very thankful for those people and I hope they know how much I love them. They changed one person. Hopefully I can continue their work.

Of course I am not happy with the results. It scares me. And I can't even lie to myself and say I don't understand. I do understand what happened. I live in a country with a terrible and hateful history. Ignoring it doesn't mean it isn't there. The slaves were free only to not be counted as a whole person. They were segregated so that they couldn't share bathrooms or water fountains with the more superior white person. Then in 1934 came the Federal Housing Administration invented a practice called redlining (bet you heard this term before but probably didn't guess it came from our own government). Those poor intercity neighborhoods that just can't seem to pull it together? This is what caused it. Not a shortage on bootstraps. Our horribly racist government. Learn more here --->
Layer that with years of segregated schools (they are segregated) and lack of access to proper birth control and not we are in a huge massive pickle.

Now - you may be thinking, "But, Kara - I did not own slaves or segregate or invent redlining or keep them from sex education. Why should I have to fix this?" Because you are only as strong as the weakest person. Too many focus on what they are losing when people with so much can't even fulfill a basic need. Giving minorities the opportunity at an education so they can bring that accomplishment back to their community that has been suppressed for so long as a result of racism by our own government is viewed as taking a spot that should belong to a better and smarter white man. Think about that - instead of rising up the weakest the strongest people in society get angry that it isn't about them all the time. While there are so many opportunities for them they see it as some sort of injustice when an opportunity goes to someone who was born into the worst situation as a result of hate. And the black child with the perfect grades still doesn't have the same chance as the white kid barely passing (SOURCE).

And women. This is where it becomes personal. The most experienced candidate in our nations history lost to the least experienced candidate. Tell me it wasn't because she was a woman. But then tell me why she wasn't held to the same standards as the men before her. And tell me why the man who bragged about assaulting woman was fit to be president. Then tell me how the if the democratic party picked the white guy we would have won the White House. And I all I can tell you is that it hurts. Feel how you want about abortion and birth control. Hate the women who have sex without wanting to procreate. Highly restrictive abortion laws have never been associated with lower abortion rates. Show a study that shows otherwise and I will give you a free print. All I have to offer. Don't want more abortions? Me neither! No woman does. What a terrifying choice to make. But it shouldn't be your choice. There is something that can be done. More sex education! Women need to understand how to prevent unwanted pregnancies (and STDs) More birth control! Lots of free birth control! It is soooooo cheap and incredibly good for society. Because clearly no one wants to help pay for the child they so dearly needed to save after it was born. Kid doesn't happen, would be mother goes to college, contributes to society. We are only as strong as the weakest person so this is the right strategy.

I write because at this point it is all I can do. Few people will read this but right now it is the only voice I confidently have. One of my biggest heroes is a Muslim woman who believes we can save the world through education. She is the one who taught me when all voices are quiet yours can be the loudest. My voice isn't as loud as Malala's. But right now it feels very quiet out there. So perhaps I will be heard.

I cried a lot today with many different people. But I am done crying. I am going to finish this post, close my computer, wake up tomorrow, go to work at a hospital, and then I am going to create art. I hope eventually all of you will create art. I would like to see it. Out of our darkest of time has comet he most beautiful art. Please shine for us.

Earlier today someone said to me there were people who voted the way they did because they have never had to fight for something important. I believe that is true. But I know that wishing for them to experience the terrible things others will is not going to solve this. Hate is what got us into this mess. I hope as few people as possible are impacted by this election. And for the people who are affected - I have made a choice to listen and be their friend when times get tough. I will not be a "told you so girl." Because we are only as strong as the weakest person. We might not see eye-to-eye on everything. But still want you to experience art, love, and happiness. I want you to be strong. Because when you get a little stronger - so do I.
