I finally have a website. And now most of you know why I have been so absent from Facebook. This place took an eternity to build. And since it was becoming a struggle to keep it a secret I vowed to get it done and last week actually. Rogue Musings suddenly looks pretty appropriate, doesn't it?
Why am I here? Why did I need this website? Well, for starters I wanted a place that was mine to create and express myself. Much of my family are artist. My sister has drawings that will send your imagination wild - she even designed a tattoo I am still regularly complimented on. Rich's Mother has the most pleasant water colors and collages you have ever seen and she has shown me how an art show is run on many occasions, something I wish to share with her someday. My composition skills improve every time I am around Rich's BIL thanks to his major background in art (dude is responsible for technology used in the latest Jungle Book movie). And then there are the many photographers I surround myself with that have helped shape me and my photos. Andy, Adrian, Frank, and so many others. I have abused their expertise on more than one occasion. From trying to find the right camera to figuring out why all my photos have a blue tint. They are responsible for so much growth. HEY GUYS, LOOK AT THE MONSTER YOU CREATED!!
There are going to be some growing pains. This site will probably change dramatically between now and when I have learned stuff. I will probably make a fool of myself here pretty soon. I mean, I once sent out an invitation to an entire office inviting them to have some cream cheese and beagles. But I did learn from that. I don't spell bagels wrong when sending out emails to an entire company, anymore.
I should probably have some sort of end-goal. But I don't. I don't think I am on the path to becoming the next Ansal Adams. I don't think anyone is ever going to see one of my photos hanging up and be like, "OH! Is that a Kara Hollenbeck? I can totally tell since a photo like this could only be taken by someone who abused a snooze button until 10am and then had to turn back while the sun was still high in the sky to make sure she was back in Lynnwood before the taco bar at Whole Foods closed." All I hope for is that I get better at capturing how I feel when I am out in the wilderness and climbing the mountains. Or at a brewery. Whatever. Also, a book deal would be nice.
Overall, I believe this is going to be a great project for me. It will force me to improve. And it will keep me mountaineering and taking pictures so I can come back here and tell stories with my photos. You guys will force me to learn new skills, go crazier places, and eventually scan or type out those crazy poems I have been writing all over pamphlets and class workbooks. I am writing more, waking up earlier, staying out later, and now I am excited to share those accomplishments.
I "plan" on writing and adding updates on Tuesdays every other week. But we'll see how that goes. This isn't "well structured and planned out musings" after all. This is Rogue Musings.
Alright, I need to go and give Rich and Kalani some much needed attention. I have been neglecting those two for a week now. And Rich is starting to watch football.
P.S. Enjoy yourselves, I am sure I am going to be cringing over this post in a few years!
Photographers make terrible navigators. They are easily distracted and forget the destination wasn't the "cool thing over there."
I love mountaineering. Glacading...still getting the hang of it.