February 20th update: I appreciate all the support I am getting for this project. I have connected with amazing people and have heard some amazing stories. For that I am very grateful. When I launched this project there was one element I felt was critical to the success: there had to be diversity. All women are feeling an impact by the current administration. There is a spike in assaults on women and the new administration appears to be an inspiration to...asshats. However, women of color have been impacted the most. From travel bans to the risk of deportation. From restricting access to safe birth control to having no choice but to send their children to failing schools. Those experiences are too important to ignore. At this time I don't feel the stories I have collected are diverse enough. I am going to continue to reach out and network any way I can. Until then - let's keep being nasty!
On Saturday, January 21st, in response to the Trump administration in the USA people from all over the globe protested for Women's Rights. I was fortunate to march in Washington DC to the White House and document my experience. Now I would love to take the stories and photos I collected and combined them with art from women who marched all over the world. I want to create a book From the Women Who Marched.
Who are you?
My name is Kara Hollenbeck and I am from the Seattle area. I have a fun data job in the healthcare industry. And I am a mountaineer! I love politics and try to be involved as often as I can but when I can't it is because I am climbing mountains. I try to make up for it by taking photos of amazing hard to reach places and selling them for various charities.
I truly believe in the power of protest. My views were changed as a result of protesters. This day made a difference around the world. And I would love a collection of stories, quotes, poetry, photos, and other forms of art from women who participated in this historic day. I assume there are others who enjoy such a book as well. If it gains enough momentum and there are proceeds from sales we can donate the money to NARAL to help women negatively affected by the Trump Administration.
What will it cost me?
Nothing! I am not collecting money from anyone! If anyone asks for for money claiming to be a part of Operation Pussy Tales contact me immediately!
Who will make money off of the book?
NARAL if I have anything to do with it. This project isn't meant to make anyone a profit, it is strictly for charity. However I am ok with people using it as an opportunity to promote their work as long as it is done tastefully,
I want to contribute but don't want to use my name.
I respect that! I appreciate your contribution and I promise to protect your privacy.
I want credit for my contributions.
Awesome! While some people want to remain anonymous I totally get why some people would want to bring attention to their contributions. I am a photographer and you bet Kara Hollenbeck will be included next to my work!
I want to protect my work.
I respect that. Your work is yours. You still own it even if it is in the book. You are welcome to do whatever you want with it outside of the book - even sell it. Before I accept your contribution I will have this in writing to protect all of us.
What exactly are you looking for?
Anything and everything you were inspired to do by protesting. Even just a thought or a quote you heard is important. If the only photo you took was a selfie but you want to show the world you were THERE I want to try and get it in this book!
Who do you want to hear from?
Any woman who marched anywhere in the world! It doesn't matter how small the city is, it is important. At this time the contributors are balanced heavily on the west coast (not surprising, I am from Seattle and all). I want to hear from more west coast people but I need to hear from people in other parts of the world. Diversity is very important for this project and it is going to fail without it.
Do you want to hear from men?
I understand there are some men who felt very passionately about the march. I appreciate the support and I will find a place for them in the book.
I disagreed with the march, can I contribute?
I don't think that is a good idea.
I want to contribute as a group with the people/organization I marched with.
That is so cool! I am ok with that!
i want to help put the book together.
Thank ghad! I need the help! I am forming a committee and I need people who have skills that include but are not limited to: marketing, design, editing, project management
Where are we at in the process?
I have been researching publishing options. I am submitting proposals to publishers and have been talking with Blurb as an option to self-publish. One way or another if enough people come together this book will happen. At this point the upfront costs aren't impossible for me. If it looks like there needs to be more then I will launch a kick-start. That is the only place I will accept funds and no one will be required to contribute.
What will the book cost?
I am insisting it is $15 for anyone who contributes, $30 for everything else. I am trying to get that as close as possible for a high quality, professional, hardback book. No one is obligated to purchase the book.
When do I send you my contributions to the book?
Not yet! First get in contact with me and let me know what you are thinking. I promise I am friendly and will be super excited to hear from you. Even if you aren't sure what you want to put in the book, you just want to contribute, I will work with you! Once I know what I am getting from everyone I will contact you with a small contract meant to protect us both. After that will be instructions on how to send me your piece. After we have everything and it is put together you will have a chance to approve if you would like.
When will the book be released?
My goal is to have an answer to this question by April and to have the book available by September. I'm optimistic!
I want to get in touch with you!
There is a contact form below! Please feel free to ask questions so address concerns. I have been doing a ton of research on the concept and process but there might be something you have thought of that I haven't. I am excited to hear from you! Let's make this happen! We earned it!